For the most part, commercials are annoying, too loud, silly and not effective. However, there are exceptions to everything, and Old Spice has managed to conjure up a mind blowing campaign.
They've created the Old Spice man, a real, non-airbrushed man who is tall, dark and handsome. His selling point is his satirical machismo and baritone voice. He is so confident about himself that he erases all notion of egoism. His assurance of self makes it seem almost sarcastic. This makes him all the more personable, not to mention the fact that he addresses his viewers (as opposed to those other models who pay no attention to the viewers).
His latest marketing ad:
Recently, in the era of tweeting and social networks, Old Spice man has started to reply to questions and comments made on Twitter. After his first few video posts directed to celebrities, the tweets would not stop ringing in. He is a busy man, good looks and all, and finally called an end to the posts, bidding adieu to his internet friends. Silver Fish Hand Catch.
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